Write your Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
in England
Specify who should control your Legal, Financial and Business affairs
when you are no longer able to do so yourself
Why do you need a Power of Attorney?
If you were to ever lose capacity, or were in any way unable to handle your own finances or healthcare decisions,
who would take care of things for you?
You may have bills to pay, you may need to move money, you may need paperwork to be signed.
Even if you have joint bank accounts with your spouse, your spouse may be stuck without a co-signatory on important documents.
A Lasting Power of Attorney names a person to act on your behalf if you were unable to make your own decisions
or handle your own financial affairs.
Can I write my own Lasting Power of Attorney?
In the U.K., you can identify a person to take care of your financial and business affairs and make healthcare
decisions on your behalf by setting up a "Lasting Power of Attorney" (LPA).
For a Lasting Power of Attorney to be legal in England and Wales, it must be registered with the government.
There is a charge of £110 per form to do this. There is no way of avoiding this charge, and even if you
use a book or online service to prepare your document, you will still need to pay this fee to make your document
a legal Lasting Power of Attorney.
How much does it cost to prepare a Lasting Power of Attorney?
You should not pay any online service to prepare a Lasting Power of Attorney form. This service will be
charging you for the exact same document that you can get from the government website free of charge.
There are specific government forms, which must be used to set up an LPA. For a property and affairs LPA the form is
"LPA PA". For a personal welfare LPA the form is "LPA PW".
These forms, the notes and guidance which accompany them, and all forms necessary for registering an LPA are available
from the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG). They can be downloaded from the website:
or you can request copies by phoning 0845 330 2900.
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